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This is what you should have so far:

<title>Cat's Page</title>
<center><b><u>Catherine's Page</b></u></center><br>
Hello, I am Catherine, I am Great.<br>
Welcome to my webpage.

Step 11:The Font Tag

It's looking a bit plain, even with the bold and underline. It would look better if the title was bigger. So, here is how you do it:

<font size=X></font>

Where X is equal to one of the following:


So, If you wanted Large Text, then you'd use: <font size=+4></font>

Note: For the default size, you do not have to put anything at all, just close the </font> tag to return it to normal.

Anyways, lets give it a larger title, size +4 should be good:

<center><font size=+4>
<b><u>Catherine's Page</b></u>
Hello, I am Catherine, I am Great.<br>
Welcome to my webpage.
Step 11.2

The Font tag can do more than just size. It handles colour, font type and a bunch of other stuff which really isn't all that important. Lets go over the colour and type.

<font color ="X">>

Where X is a colour (yes, it has to be spelled color)
<font color="red">
<font color="orange">
<font color="yellow">
<font color="green">
<font color="cyan">
<font color="blue">
<font color="indigo">
<font color="magenta">
<font color="maroon">
<font color="black">
<font color="gray">

All the basic colours are there (including white). There is a more complicated way, but I'll tell you how to do that later, since it really isn't necessary.

If you want to change the font from the standard 'Times New Roman', this is how:

<font face="X"></font>

Where X is the name of a font, such as arial or courier.

So, lets add some colour and change the font:

<font face="arial">
<center><font size=+4><font color="maroon">
<b><u>Catherine's Page</b></u>
Hello, I am Catherine, I am Great.<br>
Welcome to my webpage.

That should look, something like this:

Catherine's Page

Hello, I am Catherine, I am Great.
Welcome to my webpage.

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